David Archuleta’s “Falling”. Listen And Learn

David wrote this song when he was just fourteen years old and it is a featured bonus track on his newly-released CD.

The depth and emotion that this young man exhibits is beyond his chronological years. After listening to the words and music of David’s composition, I tried to comprehend how this young 14-year-old boy could create such a sophisticated composition.

This is a song that makes you think and that pushes one to explore the depth of one’s soul. Staying in touch with your true emotions is a good and healthy formula to adopt and this song allows and encourages you to develop an introspective approach to your life. It’s beautifully formulated and David’s voice is glowing with nuance and sensitivity.

David is truly a prodigious and sensitive talent, a real gift to the music industry.

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About Masterclass Lady

Rosanne (Giallonardo) Simunovic began her musical career in Timmins, Ontario. She studied piano with Anne Pizzale and later, at an advanced level, with Soeur Anita Vaugeois (Sister Cecile of Les Soeurs De L’Assomption in Timmins). Her vocal and accompaniment skills were nurtured by her aunt, the late Dorothea Mascioli. When Rosanne graduated from O’Gorman High School, she moved on to the University of Toronto where she continued her piano and vocal studies while attaining a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She was hired as a piano accompanist for several musical companies, most notably, the National Ballet Of Canada. She presently holds an A.R.C.T. Teacher’s Diploma in Voice from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Rosanne has studied choral conducting with numerous well known Canadian Conductors, including Wayne Riddell of Montreal, Quebec and the internationally renowned Dr. Elmer Iseler. She has been a founding member of numerous community-based arts organizations: the Timmins Arts Council, later known as Arts & Culture Timmins, the Timmins Symphony Orchestra, and, the Timmins Youth Singers…as well as the TYS Alumnus choir, the Timmins Concert Singers. In 1987, she was also selected to be the conductor of the Timmins Board Of Education Choir, comprised of talented students from Grades 5 to 8. In 1988, she was elected to the Board Of Directors of the Ontario Choral Federation (now known as Choirs Ontario), where she served as Chair of the Festivals Committee for six consecutive seasons. In 1996, in honour of the Ontario Choral Federation’s 25th Anniversary, Rosanne was selected as one of 25 recipients of the OCF’s Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contribution to the choral art. The ceremony was presided by Lieutenant Governor, Hal Jackman. In November 1997, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Rotary Club Of Timmins to receive the prestigious Paul Harris Award for her years of dedication to the artistic development of young musical talent in Timmins. In August of 2002, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Board Of Directors of Choirs Ontario to serve as Conductor of both the Provincial Junior and Teen Choir Camps, now renamed in honour of the Camp Benefactors, Don and Lillian Wright. In November 2002, Rosanne was the one of the recipients of the Commemorative Medal for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, honouring her work in the development of the arts in Timmins. Under Rosanne Simunovic’s direction, the Timmins Youth Singers and the Timmins Concert Singers have been featured in numerous choral festivals and performing opportunities outside of Timmins. In 1985, they were selected to partici

26 Responses to “David Archuleta’s “Falling”. Listen And Learn”

  1. MCL are you aware of the event that inspired David to write this song?

    Here from iluvlife as posted on IDF and confirmed by Jeff is the story behind the song…

    “Just to put to rest the speculation concerning this song, I have some insights that I think are important for you all to be aware of. First, the story about this song is that it is about someone else, not him personally. He had been going through a phase where he just didn’t know what to write about although he was encouraged to practice and experiment with writing from the very first meetings with people in the record business. He would sing his own melodies and such, but just couldn’t come up with a complete song and especially felt inadequate towards lyrics. His dad kept trying to encourage him to try even if it didn’t sound perfect to him, as it was all part of the learning process and he needed to exercise his abilitities so in the future it would be easier for him. When they met with the first record labels back when he was 11 (season 1 finale time period), they all said that he should learn to play an instrument (or 2) and also learn how to write songs because that was what a true artist does. When he was 14, he had already been through Star Search and was going through that difficult time of the vocal paralysis when he wasn’t sure how long it would be before he might be able to sing again, and he still had yet to write a complete song with both melody, lyrics, chords, etc. This was the first song he ever wrote and as such, is a very important representation of who he is as an artist and is an incredible example of what I think will come in the future when he has some more influence with the label to do more of his own music. I can imagine it being extremely difficult for him and his dad to try and convince the label that they should put songs by David ahead of ones written by superstar songwriters, and also can imagine how timid David is to insist on things that are possibly in his best interest but he doesn’t want to rock the boat, nor does his Dad.

    The story of Falling was based on an actual tragedy of a relative of a relative, not a direct relative of David’s, but a young 21 year old girl who had committed suicide at a family gathering. He was very moved and upset that someone could feel so depressed that they would be willing to carry out ending their own life, and as morbid as this sounds, it was also the catalyst that motivated him to come up with his first complete song. He just felt inspired to try and imagine the feelings she must have been going through, so to clarify, this is not autobiographical but instead is an attempt to try and understand and feel what someone contemplating their own worth must have felt like. To me it is a genius lyric, I have been one of the lucky ones to have heard the whole thing. You will all be totally amazed at the word choices and depth of this song both lyrically and musically. I personally feel this is the most important song on the entire album to show who David is as an artist, and the beautiful arrangement was done under the direction of his dad and some of his dad’s musician friends in Utah. From what I understand, when they were in Utah for a few days, they went and recorded it one day live with the piano person, then a couple of days later after getting the track completed, his dad stayed up til like 3 in the morning with the mixer person and one of the
    producers to make sure they got it all right. Jeff was very particular about all the little nuances that needed to be in this one as it was the one song that would be totally David on the album and he wanted it to be just right so they spent hours tweeking things that the producers didn’t originally hear or understand about the feeling that needed to be conveyed through the song. The producer who played the keyboards and did the string arrangement during the bridge was the person who wrote the song “Prayer of the Children” which is one of the most beautiful songs ever written, IMHO… It is performed a lot by choral and a capella groups and is always a very solemn song as it also has a very profound background and meaning.

    Anyway, just wanted to clear that all up. You will notice an interesting twist at the end of the song as well. More to come once it is released…….”


  2. I LOVE this song!! Its so beautiful.


  3. David has brought back music into my life. This song haunts me and I find myself humming the tune/words in my head over and over.

    Thank you MCL for your knowledgable posts and especially for introducing me to new talent! I have ordered my Canadian Tenors CD though I havn’t received it yet.


  4. Brenda – did you order their soon to be released CD? It’s available at Indigo or Chapters:


    The one on their website is a limited edition CD. The new one will be released on November 25th, 2008 – it’s the one everyone is waiting for. Both are keepers.


  5. Wow – Janey – that’s quite a story. My goodness this young man digs deep, doesn’t he? Thanks for adding it in this blog topic.


  6. MCL I ordered the limited edition CD from their website, but I will also keep an eye for the one coming out on Nov.25. Thanks!


  7. MCL thank you for showcasing this song – as I said on a previous post, I knew that you would love it as much as Janey and I do.

    Unbelievable that at such a young age he was able to write like this – and to be first song writing effort as well! Remarkable.
    I can only dream what is in store for us down the road.

    Thanks Janey for bringing that story off IDF here.


  8. Hi MCL:

    It just amazes me that a 14 year old can think so deeply to write such moving lyrics. The combination of the lyrics and David’s stunning voice makes Falling mesmerizing; it is perhaps my favorite of all of the new songs. David conveys emotion through his voice like no one else.


  9. Thank you MCL… the song is so powerful… and that a 14 year old David penned it…. I am in awe… his voice speaks volumes to me and so many… Thanks Janey for the background info…


  10. I love so many of the songs on David’s album — and I have all 17 songs — but I’m amazed at how often it is the song that is completely his, “Falling,” that runs through my head. Amazing. What an amazing young man.


  11. MCL…besides Falling do you have any other favorites from the album? Works For Me is penned by David as well and is autobiographical. I think it has “hit” written all over it…your thoughts?


  12. Janey – I have been so busy I haven’t had a moment to really “listen” to anything. I have been recording music for students who have to make some appearances in the next couple of weeks, so, everything else has taken a back seat.

    I will Masterclass his CD ASAP. I have already heard some of the songs and am love with all of them. He is simply put = amazing.


  13. MCL I’m glad you checked in and are doing well. Please take your time, no hurries.

    Your last comment…

    “He is simply put = amazing” is enough to hold me over a good long while.


  14. MCL, David’s single ‘Crush’ has officially been certified platinum & his album is #2 on the Billboard charts!!! We should really be so proud of him for all his accomplishments.


  15. Wow Erin – how great is that? Will add another article later on today. Of course we are proud of him -he is such a talent and truly unstoppable! I. Love. It!


  16. I cannot wait for your review on his album!!!


  17. MCL…have you heard the news? A Little Too Not Over You will be released as David’s next single.

    This track was Dean Kaelin’s pick for David’s best vocals on the CD and we know of course that David co-wrote this song. I’m thrilled for David that Jive changed their minds and decided to release a song that he had such a big part in.

    What an artist!


  18. Janey – how exciting indeed. I am just listening to David’s CD and canNOT wait to review it. It is just beautiful -perfect in so many ways.

    I love A Little Too Not Over You – it’s fabulous. David’s writing skills are impeccable and his voice is killer!

    I will work on my Masterclass article for the CD this weekend. Stay tuned…..


  19. MCL, I hope when you do the review (no pressure at all, just looking forward to it), you review all 17 songs that are out there.

    what would be personally cool for me would be if maybe when you have a couple of hours set up a live chat over at FansOfDavid where as we are listening to the songs, you live chat your comments.

    just a thought, thank you so much for all the work that you do.


  20. MCL, I am atill anxiously awaiting your review on David A.’s album!!!


  21. I know -I am late with my review and it is not intentional. I have been so busy making piano recordings for my students and just trying to cope with the hectic schedule at this time of the year.

    I thought I would have it done this weekend, but it never happened. But it will.

    Also, Tom -I would be happy to do a live blog over at FOD, but it’s entirely up to them. They have a great deal on their plate and I see that Dean Kaelin is going to be their guest soon. His input is always important and we learn so much from his assessments of David and his music.


  22. I so cannot wait for your review on his album because I know it’ll be great!!!

    On another note, I noticed in your vocal masterclass articles on David that he never had pitch problems when he sang…amazing!!


  23. Dear Masterclass Lady

    Please take care of yourself.

    Your talents and caring and professionalism
    and demeanor are needed in this world.

    You are important to me.

    Thank you for just being who you are.


  24. BlueSky – thank you so much for your thoughtful comment.

    I will definitely heed your advice and so should you.

    I hope that you have a blessed, happy and healthy holiday season.


  25. Palm to Heart

    MCL, your review of David’s work brought tears to my soul. I am not a student of music, so to hear the opinion of someone who is goes far beyond cherished. Especially when she gives such an honest review.

    Many people would like to have all David’s fans/supporters say the album is the best ever, whether it is or not. However, that does nothing to advance David’s skills. He needs constructive criticism always, in order to grow as a musician and a human being. I know, we see little room on both fronts. But David is the type who as you said, “Digs Deep” and finds another level of improvement. Something I absolutely adore about him.

    I told some people that David has caused me to futher enhance my walk with God. And he has. David is so far beyond this earthly plain, yet he is right at home being a part of it.

    His music, his delivery of it, the way he makes us a part of it. Breath-taking doesn’t even come close. I would suspect that many singers will shun David because he will cause them to look at their own body of work and see their shortcomings. Same as with music critics; they don’t know how to properly critique David James’ work because they have never known anything like it. There is nothing to make comparison. He is a definite “ONER”.

    Thank you MCL for your tremendous review. I hope David gets the chance to read it. It is extremely instructive. Not that David James needs that much intruction, but he is a learner, and I think whould learn a lot from this.

    Always a pleasure MCL. And I do look forward to seeing you on live chat again. Have a blessed Holiday Season and most prosperous 2009.

    Btw, sorry to be so long-winded, but all the Fanatics know that I can’t just say two lines about “My Sweetie Pie”.

    Palm to Heart



  1. Recent News And Updates. « MasterclassLady.Com - November 26, 2008

    […] have yet to review David Archuleta’s and David Cook’s CDs, although there are a couple of articles below this one about their […]
