Video Of The Moment: David Archuleta and Access Hollywood

Can David Archuleta be more adorable or humble? I just caught this video on Access Hollywood. It truly captures the humble essence of our sweet and talented Archie and also shows how capable he is with the media when the stress of competitive performing is eliminated.

Here is the link to the video. Enjoy!

About Masterclass Lady

Rosanne (Giallonardo) Simunovic began her musical career in Timmins, Ontario. She studied piano with Anne Pizzale and later, at an advanced level, with Soeur Anita Vaugeois (Sister Cecile of Les Soeurs De L’Assomption in Timmins). Her vocal and accompaniment skills were nurtured by her aunt, the late Dorothea Mascioli. When Rosanne graduated from O’Gorman High School, she moved on to the University of Toronto where she continued her piano and vocal studies while attaining a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She was hired as a piano accompanist for several musical companies, most notably, the National Ballet Of Canada. She presently holds an A.R.C.T. Teacher’s Diploma in Voice from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Rosanne has studied choral conducting with numerous well known Canadian Conductors, including Wayne Riddell of Montreal, Quebec and the internationally renowned Dr. Elmer Iseler. She has been a founding member of numerous community-based arts organizations: the Timmins Arts Council, later known as Arts & Culture Timmins, the Timmins Symphony Orchestra, and, the Timmins Youth Singers…as well as the TYS Alumnus choir, the Timmins Concert Singers. In 1987, she was also selected to be the conductor of the Timmins Board Of Education Choir, comprised of talented students from Grades 5 to 8. In 1988, she was elected to the Board Of Directors of the Ontario Choral Federation (now known as Choirs Ontario), where she served as Chair of the Festivals Committee for six consecutive seasons. In 1996, in honour of the Ontario Choral Federation’s 25th Anniversary, Rosanne was selected as one of 25 recipients of the OCF’s Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contribution to the choral art. The ceremony was presided by Lieutenant Governor, Hal Jackman. In November 1997, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Rotary Club Of Timmins to receive the prestigious Paul Harris Award for her years of dedication to the artistic development of young musical talent in Timmins. In August of 2002, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Board Of Directors of Choirs Ontario to serve as Conductor of both the Provincial Junior and Teen Choir Camps, now renamed in honour of the Camp Benefactors, Don and Lillian Wright. In November 2002, Rosanne was the one of the recipients of the Commemorative Medal for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, honouring her work in the development of the arts in Timmins. Under Rosanne Simunovic’s direction, the Timmins Youth Singers and the Timmins Concert Singers have been featured in numerous choral festivals and performing opportunities outside of Timmins. In 1985, they were selected to partici

19 Responses to “Video Of The Moment: David Archuleta and Access Hollywood”

  1. MCL, you haven’t seen this one yet? Its even better. What an amazing and talented guy.


  2. Here is the second part of the interview. He talks about the moving “Archuleta hand” and how he can’t watch or listen to himself sing! Is that common?


  3. Ha.


  4. Waikiki – I loved this video. I think you forgot to post the 2nd link?


  5. Yes – it is common to want to avoid looking and hearing yourself on video. he is very humble, so he probably can’t relate to his strong and confident stage persona. Love HIM!


  6. David A. should have been the winner instead of Cook, TBH. His technique, vocal abilities, & talent are a lot stronger than Cook’s for sure.


  7. Masterclasslady, Thank you for your wonderful and heartfelt review and for all of your reviews this Idol season. I am happy for both David’s and and am heartened that they appear to be such good friends, it’s very touching watching them together.

    I live in Rochester, Ny, have you ever gotten down to our jazz festival? It’s coming up in 3 weeks and I can’t wait, every year it has gotten better and better.

    This year took it’s toll on me but I’ll be back next year and will look forward to reading your reviews. Thanks again for everything.


  8. MCL:
    Here’s another one. Interview with Justin Guarini. He’s really getting better, or maybe just the pressure coming off. What a load of difference from the nervous kid on the show! Simon should apologize for saying David A shouldn’t win because he can’t handle interviews.


  9. cersei, that interview was so funny! I can’t believe he said that with a straight face!

    I never expected to fall in love with this guy, It’s very uncharacteristic of me to fall for someone on TV. I can’t wait for his album!

    MCL, thank you for all your wonderful reviews! I have never posted on here, but I read them every week and I really appreaciated your insight.


  10. I really enjoyed Cookie on Leno
    He uses big WordNerd words! LOL!



  11. Thanks for your kind words everyone. I will try to post a few more Idol articles ASAP. Just enjoying the weekend here – the weather is so beautiful.


  12. I stayed up to watch the Larry King interview as well. I find it interesting to see how David A. reacts to the person on the other end of the microphone. My sense is that certain “personalities” – Ryan Seacrest, Larry King for example tend to put him more on edge. I found Larry King’s interview of the Idols very “one dimensional”. He couldn’t pronounce their names correctly and made a snarky comment about “thanks for leaving me hanging” when David gave an abbreviated answer at the end. Compare these situations to interviews with more generous personalities (Justin G. from season one for example) and you see much more comfort. I also noticed he didn’t join in on singing at the end. MCL – might this be because of the way he processes musically? Perhaps he’s more of a “lost in the music” guy as opposed to “off the cuff Karaoke”?

    I hear a “big name” writer is writing a song for David A. I think it was interesting that they paired him with One Republic. The lead singer is quite an up and coming writer from what I read. He and Jesse McCartney wrote Bleeding Love for Leona Lewis so I wonder if they’re going to have them write something for Archie?

    David C was very charming on The Tonight Show.


  13. According to mjsbigblog – the big name writer working on a song for David Archuleta is Diane Warren. Ryan from One Repulbic and Jesse McCartney are working with David Cook. Funny how it was presented in the opposite manner for the show…..

    Diane Warren has written one of my all time favourite songs which is “You’re My Home” from the movie Dance with Me. It’s a duet with Vanessa Williams and Cheyenne. Absolutely beautiful and I think her style could be perfect for David A. I’m not so sure the “One Republic” vibe works for David C’s voice though.


  14. Wanted to chime in with thanks for the great critiques this season (as ever)!


  15. Hi. It’s been great reading your professional critiques. (The judges did not critique very well this year. very frustrating!)

    Here’s another video. It’s an interview after the Tues finale. I think it’s even funnier. The infamous grape incident. haha. David A is so funny! and he also gets called a “sex symbol” by Shaun Robinson. Watch his reaction! It’s so funny.


  16. Hey MC, there were so many precious moments in all the interviews both Davids did so far after the finale. They’re both great guys, but of course it is easier being gracious when you have won than when you have not, so Archie impresses me even more. And you know what? He’s just so genuinely happy and excited for Cook, it’s beyond endearing. It almost feels like he really is the little brother being completely proud and overjoyed for his big bro. Not to mention that Archie is back to being himself in all those interviews and boy is that kid a natural entertainer. So many funny things coming out of his mouth. I wish they would have shown more of that side of him on the show.

    Anyway, speaking of videos. Here is a link I think you should check out:
    I don’t know if you have seen this one yet, but I really really wanted to recommend it to you and would be overjoyed if you’d comment on David’s performance from last Christmas (not on American Idol obviously) – I was so impressed with it, not to mention that I start crying every time he hits that “fall on your knees”-line. Gets me everytime no matter how much I try to fight it. Another one worth recommending: .


  17. Thanks again everyone. I have to be creative and come up with a more current thread. Keep the comments coming and, as always, your gracious support is very much appreciated


  18. katherinesmom May 28, 2008 at 11:18 pm

    Maybe a thread that gives overall impressions of Season 7 of American Idol would do the trick.

    I just saw David A.’s appearance on “Regis and Kelly”. He sang “Angels” and sounded simply wonderful. His voice was so free and open- it brought tears (sounds corny but it’s true!). Link:

    I also saw David C. singing on…a show (seriously, as he is making the rounds, I can’t remember). Actually, I think it was his turn on “Regis”. He sang “The Time of My Life” and he also sounded fantastic. Link:

    I think both Davids are absolutely both destined for stardom. I hope both receive good advice about their recording futures because the Davids deserve the best!


  19. Katherine – your wish is my command. A thread will be up shortly! Thank you for your timely suggestion.
