Vocal Masterclass Discussion For The Voice Season 4: The Top 3 Results Finale

20130615-170835.jpgPicture Credit: NBC The Voice

Well, this is it! The Fourth winner of The Voice shall be crowned tonight and, if I was a betting gal, I would wager that Danielle takes the prize this year. Or Michelle. Wait – maybe The Swan Brothers.

So, okay, I am not a betting gal!

However, that was a “mighty fine” performance show on Monday night ( and why, all of a sudden, am I speaking like Blake Shelton? Man, those country people really know how to get inside your head. Ha!)

At any rate, we are in for an immensely entertaining evening with guest appearances by Christina Aguilera, Bruno Mars, Pitbull, Nelly and, after a 10-year-absence, the indomitable Cher.

Congratulations to Team Blake and Team Usher for mentoring a fine Top 3. Blake Shelton, with two remaining singers from his team, must be smiling from ear to ear.

And, kudos to new Judge, Shakira, for her strong showing on The Voice this season. I absolutely love her. She is a genuine, sweet, lovable and talented lady and was so supportive of all the singers – not only her own. She dispensed some excellent advice over the course of the season.

And bravo Adam – his work is always appreciated and respected and, of all the judges, probably had the most diverse line-up this season. He worked extremely hard with his singers and I am disappointed that one of his singers was not in this Top 3.

In fact, a Top 4 comprised of one singer from each judge would have been the ideal format but they sort of did away with this a couple of seasons ago. Oh well… only one winner so it all comes down to that in the end.

The Results Finale begins Tuesday evening on NBC at 9:00 Eastern. Are you ready with the popcorn? Comment away!

About Masterclass Lady

Rosanne (Giallonardo) Simunovic began her musical career in Timmins, Ontario. She studied piano with Anne Pizzale and later, at an advanced level, with Soeur Anita Vaugeois (Sister Cecile of Les Soeurs De L’Assomption in Timmins). Her vocal and accompaniment skills were nurtured by her aunt, the late Dorothea Mascioli. When Rosanne graduated from O’Gorman High School, she moved on to the University of Toronto where she continued her piano and vocal studies while attaining a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She was hired as a piano accompanist for several musical companies, most notably, the National Ballet Of Canada. She presently holds an A.R.C.T. Teacher’s Diploma in Voice from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Rosanne has studied choral conducting with numerous well known Canadian Conductors, including Wayne Riddell of Montreal, Quebec and the internationally renowned Dr. Elmer Iseler. She has been a founding member of numerous community-based arts organizations: the Timmins Arts Council, later known as Arts & Culture Timmins, the Timmins Symphony Orchestra, and, the Timmins Youth Singers…as well as the TYS Alumnus choir, the Timmins Concert Singers. In 1987, she was also selected to be the conductor of the Timmins Board Of Education Choir, comprised of talented students from Grades 5 to 8. In 1988, she was elected to the Board Of Directors of the Ontario Choral Federation (now known as Choirs Ontario), where she served as Chair of the Festivals Committee for six consecutive seasons. In 1996, in honour of the Ontario Choral Federation’s 25th Anniversary, Rosanne was selected as one of 25 recipients of the OCF’s Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contribution to the choral art. The ceremony was presided by Lieutenant Governor, Hal Jackman. In November 1997, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Rotary Club Of Timmins to receive the prestigious Paul Harris Award for her years of dedication to the artistic development of young musical talent in Timmins. In August of 2002, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Board Of Directors of Choirs Ontario to serve as Conductor of both the Provincial Junior and Teen Choir Camps, now renamed in honour of the Camp Benefactors, Don and Lillian Wright. In November 2002, Rosanne was the one of the recipients of the Commemorative Medal for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, honouring her work in the development of the arts in Timmins. Under Rosanne Simunovic’s direction, the Timmins Youth Singers and the Timmins Concert Singers have been featured in numerous choral festivals and performing opportunities outside of Timmins. In 1985, they were selected to partici

11 Responses to “Vocal Masterclass Discussion For The Voice Season 4: The Top 3 Results Finale”

  1. I’ve hardly watched any of The Voice, but I did record most of the season, so, lucky me, I get to go back and watch those shows! I did watch some of the Finale tonight, and saw Danielle win. Congratulations Danielle!! Wow, Country sure seems to rule in these singing competitions, doesn’t it?!


  2. Congratulations to Danielle! I think she will be the first winner of The Voice to have a noticeable post competition career. There were several good singers this year, many of which we were able to enjoy again tonight, but I had to wonder if any one of them had that special quality, that I believe Danielle has, that would make them a star. If nothing else, it’s remarkable that the kid that was singing for her on amusement a in her bedroom mirror few months ago won this contest.

    The post season competition between Usher and Blake promoting their protégées should be interesting. Usher has Bieber’s tour as well as his own where he can use Michelle as an opening act and Blake can take Danielle out with him or have her work with Miranda. I imagine he will do the same with the Swons, especially in the southwest. Those are pretty large audiences for these young performers to cut their teeth on.

    Shakira has been a delight this year; I hate to see her go. I’ve tried to find some of her music that apeals to me, unsuccessfully so far, but I have seen her very entertaining performances and liked that side of her. Most of all, I just like her. As you said, she is a sweet and caring young woman and did an outstanding job of mentoring her team and entertaining her audience. The Voice has come up with an interesting formula of a “judge’s pool” that can relieve each other as needed. This allows top level talent to consider a judging position without interfering with their day jobs.

    Usher also did good work with his team and I look forward to his return at some time in the future. Cee Lo is a hoot, so having him back will be good too. I saw him on “Live from Daryl’s House” and he held his own in the vocal department.

    The groups comprised of returning contestants were the best entertainment of the night for me. The two groups comprised of four guys and four girls. Of course there were at least two professional backup singers in the girls group who have worked pretty high up the food chain so you would expect them to perform well. Catia (?) really stood out for me in both the four girl group and again in the “Team Red Shoe” group.

    I hope Cher feels better now and returns to whatever she was doing yesterday or at least accepts that she is a grownup now and chooses songs and clothing to reflect that. She wasn’t the worst of the night though. That honor goes to whoever I fast forwarded past right after the skit about Blake’s coaching technique.

    I wish that they would adjust the season to have more emphasis on the top 10 and less on the earlier rounds. The double eliminations each week are brutal.


  3. Very happy for Danielle. Very! But, the artistry of the season clearly belongs to Michelle – no contest. And the Swon Brothers are extraordinary musicians.

    This was an exceptional season and Idol needs to take their head out of the sand and start programming great singers if they hope to save the show.

    The Voice Finale was outstanding – never have seen anything comparable on Idol in the past few years.

    And why can The Voice singers learn a ton of songs from week to week and make it work? On Idol, they look frazzled and poorly prepared for the most part. Candice Glover was the only singer that could keep up this season.


  4. Rosanne-There’s been so many things to watch on TV, that I just decided to record most of this season of The Voice. From what you have said about the show, it’s very apparent to me that this is the reason The Voice is now the number 1 singing competition! Congrats to them! Holpefully by getting new producers and judges, things will turn around for AI. I’m so sad that Candice’s debut single didn’t make a go of it. It really is a wonderful song, and showcases her gorgeous voice so well I think. I really believe that if AI had their act together these last few seasons, Candice would have been more well received. The show lost a significant number of viewers.


  5. Anita – as long as Idol plays games and has agendas, it will continue to spinal down.

    Why can The Voice find female winners in the midst of a ton of excellent male contenders? They earn their win and they are endowed with the perfect components.


  6. Rosanne-One of the many things Idol did wrong was to not nurture All great talent, not just the girls. They really greatly damaged the show with their desparation to have a female winner. I think the cost of that was mighty high! Hopefully they have learned from that!


  7. Yes I agree Anita. Such a desperate, poorly visioned way to program the show. I think it does need a new vision or, perhaps, a renewed vision if seasons past because the approach over the last few years has not worked at all.

    Still confused how they could have let DeAndre go. No support whatsoever. The most unique talent I have ever seen on this show and they couldn’t see it.


  8. Rosanne-That was insane how AI could get rid of DeAndre! Talent just oozes from his pores! I bet if he had auditioned for The Voice instead, he would have greater success, but oh well. Speaking of DeAndre, he sounds marvelous with his new single! But I’m not that thrilled with the lyrics. I think they are too mature for an 18 year old. I’m so picky about stuff like that! That being said, it didn’t stop me from buying it though, LOL!!


  9. This year on the Voice and AI combined, the final ten (the real top ten of current singing reality shows) were one male (Swon Bros) and nine female. It’s just the year of the female. There is no conspiracy.

    I disagree about Candice being the only one to keep up on AI. I thought Angie incorporated all the judges’ comments into subsequent performances and grew the most of all the contestants in both a singing and performance sense. Candice has immense natural talent but she never became anything more than who she was from the first show to the last. Maybe with growth when one has greatness isn’t all that important or necessary. But the Candice of tryouts, this year or other years, is pretty much the Candice we see today. The Angie we see today is light years ahead of the Angie of Youtube or of the tryouts. It will be fascinating to see their evolution in the coming months and years.


  10. I enjoyed The Voice, but still prefer the American Idol format. I think Candice might have been able to beat out a well-balanced TOP 10. She has a gorgeous voice. Idol really does need to get it’s act together. Now that we’ve had The Voice Finale, maybe we will hear some more about NEW and great Judges – not Divas!

    I think Michelle has great talent. I prefer Janelle over Danielle. Now, let’s see what AGT has to offer us!


  11. AGT is going to be an exciting ride. I am teensy biased though as I love Forte and have a connection to a couple of the singers. So, we shall see how it goes. Forte is set to debut on Tuesday. Let me know what you think, Kariann.

    I absolutely adore Danielle. She is a little star. So young, little experience and she knocks every song out of the park. She will be as big as Carrie and Taylor.

    Idol needs to do a ton of work. It’s in a state of disarray.

    The Voice totally upped the ante with Season 4. The finalists were features over several weeks so we really got to know these singers. And the production was excellent.
