The Davids Perform At Ford Day: A Video Collection Of The Day’s Performances






About Masterclass Lady

Rosanne (Giallonardo) Simunovic began her musical career in Timmins, Ontario. She studied piano with Anne Pizzale and later, at an advanced level, with Soeur Anita Vaugeois (Sister Cecile of Les Soeurs De L’Assomption in Timmins). Her vocal and accompaniment skills were nurtured by her aunt, the late Dorothea Mascioli. When Rosanne graduated from O’Gorman High School, she moved on to the University of Toronto where she continued her piano and vocal studies while attaining a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She was hired as a piano accompanist for several musical companies, most notably, the National Ballet Of Canada. She presently holds an A.R.C.T. Teacher’s Diploma in Voice from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Rosanne has studied choral conducting with numerous well known Canadian Conductors, including Wayne Riddell of Montreal, Quebec and the internationally renowned Dr. Elmer Iseler. She has been a founding member of numerous community-based arts organizations: the Timmins Arts Council, later known as Arts & Culture Timmins, the Timmins Symphony Orchestra, and, the Timmins Youth Singers…as well as the TYS Alumnus choir, the Timmins Concert Singers. In 1987, she was also selected to be the conductor of the Timmins Board Of Education Choir, comprised of talented students from Grades 5 to 8. In 1988, she was elected to the Board Of Directors of the Ontario Choral Federation (now known as Choirs Ontario), where she served as Chair of the Festivals Committee for six consecutive seasons. In 1996, in honour of the Ontario Choral Federation’s 25th Anniversary, Rosanne was selected as one of 25 recipients of the OCF’s Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contribution to the choral art. The ceremony was presided by Lieutenant Governor, Hal Jackman. In November 1997, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Rotary Club Of Timmins to receive the prestigious Paul Harris Award for her years of dedication to the artistic development of young musical talent in Timmins. In August of 2002, Rosanne Simunovic was selected by the Board Of Directors of Choirs Ontario to serve as Conductor of both the Provincial Junior and Teen Choir Camps, now renamed in honour of the Camp Benefactors, Don and Lillian Wright. In November 2002, Rosanne was the one of the recipients of the Commemorative Medal for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, honouring her work in the development of the arts in Timmins. Under Rosanne Simunovic’s direction, the Timmins Youth Singers and the Timmins Concert Singers have been featured in numerous choral festivals and performing opportunities outside of Timmins. In 1985, they were selected to partici

13 Responses to “The Davids Perform At Ford Day: A Video Collection Of The Day’s Performances”

  1. MCL — this is fantastic! David’s time 6!

    I really appreciated David Cook’s un-plugged versions of his songs – just let him sing!

    I posted this on Crush video part 2 thread – but also will put it here:

    SHEET MUSIC FOR CRUSH NOW AVAILABLE: (thanks to Gracie for showing me the way)


    Plink plink away, sing away (in my case wail away poor family)


  2. Thanks so much for the link to Musicnotes. It will come in very handy, as one of my male singers downloaded the Itunes version of “Crush”, so it will be fun to work on it with him, especially now that I have the piano score.

    Also, it took me forever and a day to figure out this video alignment. WordPress was no help whatsoever and I was determined to put a background in my post in addition to aligning thumbnail versions of the videos.

    It took 24 hours of intense concentration, but there it is. The background is too busy, but I will make adjustments the next time.


  3. Way too cool!!!! Job well done, MCL! I absolutely love the videos/songs and what a great way to put all of them together like this – how did you do it?

    Thanks, again 🙂


  4. Thanks Bizzee. How did I do it? Lots of effort and determination. Someone on the WordPress forum actually posted a way to add a background to the blog topic, so, after a few tries, I got that right.

    Then I reduced the sizes of the videos, but, when they wouldn’t align properly, I put them in a table – but that took a bit of fiddling.

    It’s still not perfect- the background is too busy – but at last the Davids are together in rows and columns.

    Also, your video is on the MCL Sticky Page -but you can’t access it right now because the Parent page isn’t set up yet.

    Right now, David Archuleta’s promo is the parent page and that will change as well. Hard to explain but it will get done.

    You can still find your video on the sidebar (close to the top left – under Navigation) and archives


  5. For weeks I have been trying to find an excuse to post what is below on MCL –
    so I asked him when I met him – hey David can you sing the full version of Imagine on Ford day for me and always so accommodating he said “ok” — (just kidding)
    but thank you anyway David Archuleta for singing the full version of Imagine so now I have a legit reason for these posts:

    Even At thirteen, David had such emotion, expression – just unbelievable — and then he reverts back quickly to the shy and humble little boy with the Thank You. Always the enigma.

    The inspiration to David’s version of Imagine: the late, great Eva Cassidy: Kleenex Alert.


  6. MCL, Good Morning! My full report on Ford Day is posted at FOD. I think it’s a bit too long to post here, so if you’re interested you know where to find it.I simply cannot get enough of those performances. Everything I love about David is there. He was spectacular that day!

    On a separate note, (I unfortunately have the memory of a elephant), time and energy permitting, might we revisit the Grand Rapids thread? I can’t seem to get enough of the tour either. I’m hopeless…*sigh*


  7. Janey!

    First of all, thank you so much for the warm shout-out to me. Not necessary, as I have tremendously enjoyed and valued your input here on MasterClassLady.Com

    Also, what a great story! I am so excited that the stars aligned perfectly to create this tremendous Archuleta opportunity. You truly deserve it, considering the courageous strength you have shown in dealing with your health issues.

    David is a healing component in all of our lives and I am so happy that you were able to enjoy his music in a intimate and meaningful way.

    For those of you who haven’t read Janey’s Ford Day experience over at FansOfDavid.Com, please click here: . It is a wonderful story and it truly warms the heart.

    Thanks so much, Janey. Now rest and savor the moment!


  8. ArchieFanDoc – oh those videos. David, at the age of thirteen, showed such maturity and depth when he performed this song. It’s almost difficult to fathom really! The sensitivity and the artistry were so well-defined at such a young age. He was truly a visionary in his approach to his music -ahead of his time in so many ways.

    And then, Eva Cassidy – wasn’t she a gem? And, is it any wonder that David has drawn his inspiration from her? Such a beautiful and sesnitive artist.

    Thanks for these beautiful links, AFD!


  9. Janey – Grand Rapids! I have been meaning to review these performances, but was just run off my feet here. Lots of technical issues with my notebook and other software. I’ll get on it ASAP.


  10. MCL, I know there are many versions of this out there and you may have already seen this one but just in case you haven’t, here is quite possibly the best 4:58 of your day. This was filmed by my Ford Day roommate, the very talented and sweeter than pie, Wanda.


  11. Janey – just what I needed to finish off a busy day. Thanks you and Wanda fo this extra delicious Archuleta treat. Off to bed. Sweet dreams.


  12. MCL, I have been befuddeled a bit lately over this burning question. Perhaps you could shed some light and clarity on the subject. When an artist, let’s say David, chooses a song, let’s say Crush, for a single does he take into consideration that he may eventually have to perform it live, many,many times over and does that factor into the decision making process? Do you think Crush is a difficult song to sing live?

    This video is an enhanced version with an additional soundtrack and many videos spliced together, proper credit is given under “more info”:


  13. Janey – I think that David truly loves this song and, on first glance, it is a tricky song to sing. But, David being David has worked out all the details and has this song down to a science.

    I am actually going to begin rehearsing this song with one of my male students next week. It will be interesting to see how quickly he adapts to this song. He is quite talented, ao it will be fun to watch the learning process unfold.
